Ticker: 🟥🟩 Name: 🟥🟪🟦🟩🟨🟧
X Page Telegram DEX Screener
The Story of the CULT:
18 November 2024
🟥🟩 Token was launched through pump.fun service, in addition promoted by well know crypto influencers on x.com while being at very low MarketCap of $32k:
🟥🟩 Community given name "Epileptic" became viral and CTO Formed in the process​ by an account on X (@MKultraTheOG "Ultra") registered on that date.
🟥🟩 On the same date a whale who made his 1'st purchase on 27M market-cap, being a well know person in crypto sector of Azerbaijan (@ElshadRael "Elshad") calls his community on his business pages when MC drops down to 17M on the next day -to join the project by showing his wallet and explaining the unique aspects of the token:
30 November 2024
Becoming a real part!
🟥🟩 After inviting more than 400+ people and turning them into the believers and top holders of the token Elshad get's an invite by the team and becomes an integral part of the core CTO team
🟥🟩 From that date Elshad starts a series of Instagram and YouTube videos where he explain the concept of the "CTO" (Community Takeover) calling more people to support the token. In this way he brings more than 1,000+ new holders to the community during next weeks:
3 December 2024
The first Meet-up!
🟥🟩 Epileptic team realize their 1'st live X.com Spaces meet-up with the community where CTO team talk about Azerbaijani holders and Elshad with honor:
🟥🟩 After his speech more people from his side joins the project in next stages.
December 2024
Community Fundings by Holders
🟥🟩 During December holders from Azerbaijan funds the following marketing payments and Elshad sends some of them to the marketing wallet of the project or pays directly promoters:
~$2,000 to support WEEX listing (which was not realized, funds refunded)
$400 Paid for agents to make videos of NY Square Ads
Funded huge part of influencer promo - $5,000
Funded another influencer post - $4,000
Around ~$700 for several promos by different KOLs (January)​
🟥🟩 31 December 2025 - around ~$5,000 paid from marketing (TRXN 1, TRXN 2) wallet to start a campaign with the help of a special group (paid funds mainly collected from Azerbaijani holders in last days of December) to start a unique marketing move which was offered to one of CTO members and further strongly advised by CTO leader "Ultra", continuously reminding that details will be shared then as this must be kept in secret. Payment made 50% in stable coins and 50% in 🟥🟩 tokens as CTO leader said that the marketing team also will hold tokens - as they are going to promote the project in a subtle way through well known social forums.
January 2025
The Betrayal of the Leader
Important! From the transaction history of the marketing wallet anyone can see how the last payment was used for aggressive trading, also the tokens sold in a very short period of time and gained funds also used for meme coins trading. That wallet did not belong to any marketing team and was not used to hold our tokens instead was an active trading wallet. As that promotion was heavily advised by Ultra, and organised by him: It became clear that Ultra was the one who received those funds using community trust in his words and just forgot about the Leadership and his responsibilities. By time it also became clear how he was using the marketing plans in his own favor by purchasing and selling tokens in certain periods.
🟥🟩 Starting January 4th - "Ultra" disappears telling that he has some emergency IRL situations and will be back in a week. He continue his passive activity during almost a month. From 3rd week many of holders sell and leave the project because of this situation. Main X page become passive also as he was the only one with access to it, all CTO members start selling and promoting other projects on socials, and during this hard period only Azerbaijani holders keep actively raiding with a motivational mood in Telegram chat.
🟥🟩 24 January 2025 - Elshad calls Ultra to come back, be more serious and transfer his Leader position with social pages credentials as this is a CTO and not an owned project so community could continue their active development. Giving him 3 days to appear otherwise going to realize a new "Community Takeover" act.
🟥🟩 26 January 2025 - Ultra appear firsly bans Elshad from community Telegram chat then start to ban all valuable members of the community who has invested most efforts and resources into the project while they were asking why he is acting like that! This egoistic approach which is an opposite move to CTO traditions becomes the main reason for most community members to leave that Telegram and follow Elshad.
🟥🟩 29 January 2025 - Real and brilliant Epileptic holders realize their "Community Takeover" act on "DEX screener" aggregator in addition introducing a detailed document where Elshad proves former CTO members unprofessional, weak, and selfish mood!
Next day DEX screener service returns former CTO profile back, shocked by their decision Epileptic Community tag collectively their team on a X.com post to analyze the situation with a serious level of approach.
8 February 2025
The Day of VICTORY!
🟥🟩 Epileptic Community becomes the owner of DEX screener profile with new formed CTO social links:
@Epileptic_CULT becomes the main username/profile handle of the project
Elshad Rael gets the Leader position and forms a strong team of management
Community starts forming a huge raiding team with branding their X.com profile names using 🟥🟩
16 February 2025
🟥🟩 Epileptic_CULT and Murad_CTO forms the very first brotherhood in crypto history!